Behind the Scenes
MRF Team
Keith Brauneis
Executive Director
Keith has dedicated much of his career to helping conserve wild places and wild things. He has been standing in rivers, streams and creeks since childhood and his passion for trout, aquatic life and the outdoors at large permeates everything he does. His career has been diverse. Over the years he has owned and operated three businesses. This career path helped him refine a strong level of business acumen. He has also worked with a long list of conservation organizations - relationships that most recently led him to the MRF. He is a loyal advocate for the Madison River watershed as well as a former board member of the Madison River Foundation.
Mia Cignoni
Conservation Programs Manager
Mia studied Wildlife Biology and Conservation at Western Colorado University in Gunnison, Colorado. Her passion for wildlife, rivers, and natural spaces began as a child as she camped, hiked, cross country skied, canoed, and fished with her family. That passion grew when she began working as a raft guide in 2011 and participated in an Outdoor Leadership Program in 2012. These experiences eventually led to her career in wildlife biology. Prior to graduating, she was a crew lead for an organization whose focus was youth employment, leadership development, and conservation work. Upon receiving her degree, she relocated to Ennis and has worked for the BLM and Forest Service, where she gained invaluable experience. She believes that the Madison River and its watershed is the lifeblood of our community and that through collaboration and actionable science the MRF can continue to advocate for the sustainable management of this precious resource.
Wendy Brauneis
Communications & Marketing
Wendy has built a career in communications and marketing, with a diverse clientele in industries ranging from medical to small business to conservation. Each a rich learning experience and stepping stone, catapulting her to the next project. She has a strong belief in embracing lessons along the way; learning from the wins and losses to help improve outreach performance. Today she is truly living her dream: she resides in Montana nestled between the Madison and Gravelly Mountain Ranges where she owns and operates a marketing company (River Summit Group) as well as an outdoor adventure business (River Summit Outfitters).
Adina vomBerg
Office Administrator
Adina first visited Montana in 2017 and quickly decided to make it her permanent home. In the spring of 2018, she relocated to the Madison Valley. She became an active member of the Madison Valley Woman’s Club (MVWC) and began volunteering at the Nearly New Shoppe. From 2018 to 2020, she served as a co-manager there and joined the MVWC Board in 2024. As a mother, raising a middle school-aged daughter, Adina has also been heavily involved in youth programs, including serving on the Ennis Youth Softball Board, coaching, and participating in fundraising efforts. She enjoys Montana’s many fun outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing, fly fishing on the Madison River, and boating, kayaking, and paddle boarding on the many local lakes.
Jim Kramer
Science Advisor
Jim is a retired research chemist and a full-time resident of Ennis. He has been active in the Madison River Foundation since moving to the Valley in 2010. Starting as a volunteer on conservation, restoration and fencing projects, later working with the Madison Conservation District Stream Team on water quality monitoring. He served on the MRF Board of Directors from 2019 to 2022. He’s a strong believer in practical conservation through credible science.
Board of Directors
Anne Morgan
Anne and her husband Jim Kelley have lived part-time in Cameron since 2016, having spent long stretches of time before that in the Madison Valley … when they weren’t fishing around the world.
Anne’s background in classical music led her to a career in fundraising for nonprofits in Atlanta where she and Jim spend the winter months. She brings to the foundation a passion for fishing, a deep appreciation for the rich resources of the Valley and an integrated understanding of the philanthropic needs for maintaining the magnificent and precious Madison River.
Ted Kruzan
Ted is a full-time resident of the Madison River Valley. Since 2005 he’s enjoyed the valley and all its offerings. He enjoys fly fishing the Madison during the season and tropical locations in the fall and winter. Ted is a serial entrepreneur with a strong conservation mindset, and is a life member of Trout Unlimited, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and the Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance. He has a proven track record of leadership, mentoring, and profit and loss responsibility, and has extensive experience in governance, board exposure, and management. He is committed to preserving the natural beauty of the Madison River Valley and ensuring that future generations can enjoy it as much as he and his wife, Erin do.
Kevin Kramer
Kevin first visited the Madison Valley in 1994 and discovered the Madison River, its watershed in the Madison Range, and the welcoming town of Ennis. He returned to the area several times to fish and relocated full time to McAllister in 2021. When not working at his professional career in high tech, Kevin enjoys fishing, hunting, skiing, hiking, and boating. He lives full time on Ennis Lake, the midpoint of the Madison River, with his partner Elisabeth and their 2 almost college bound children.
Seth Judd
Seth is a strong believer in the importance of the MRF to the future conservation of the Madison River watershed through actionable science and research, for the benefit of everyone who enjoys this valuable resource.
Neal Ingram
Neal and his wife, Kay, split their time between Berthoud, Colorado and McAllister, Montana. They came to the Madison River Valley in 2016 and immediately fell in love with the people, the character of the community, and the blessings of nature provided by the Madison River. Neal is a retired business executive who worked for a Fortune 500 company for 40+ years in leadership positions in international business. He volunteers his time now in community service organizations in Colorado and Montana. Neal believes in protecting the environment now and for future generations. The actions of the Madison River Foundation are key to the protection of the Madison River and all that it supports.
Roy Washburn
As a homeowner in Ennis since 1972, member of the local American Legion, us air force veteran and retired Dentist, he has spent his free time floating, fishing, and bird hunting in the Madison valley. He has a strong center in community, and with a focus on conservation and preservation, these values are critical to him and his family. Protecting, enhancing, and preserving the Madison for future generations of visitors and Montanans to enjoy is our mission.
Will Morgan
Will is originally from Louisiana and a graduate of LSU. He did a stint of conservation work and chapter development for the Coastal Conservation Association. This career led him and his family to North Carolina to become the Executive Director of CCA NC. Will's career has also taken him to the corporate world where he has been a contributor to a few successful start-ups. He and his family have been coming to Montana for 20+ years before finally buying a home in Ennis in 2016. He and his family are now full time residents of Ennis, his wife Mary and their only child, Hayden who is a graduate of MSU. Will knows the importance of the Madison River to the community and vows to help protect it for today and for the future.
Emeritus Directors
Thank you for your years of service and dedication to the mission of the MRF!
Mike Gentry, Jay Fredricks, Rich Gockel