Upper Jack Creek Restoration
A Collaboration with Jack Creek Preserve Foundation
“A commitment to conservation and collaboration to be celebrated in the Madison Watershed!”
In the summer of 2021, an assessment of a section of Jack Creek within Jack Creek Preserve was conducted. Findings identified multiple segments of the creek that would benefit from restoration and enhancement to improve habitat and water quality. By addressing issues such as eroding bank lines, disconnected riparian areas, and floodplain connectivity, habitat for fish and wildlife could be improved.
The goal is to improve the health and productivity of the creek. By installing large, woody bank line structures and building beaver dam analogs, we have increased habitat complexity, aquifer storage and connectivity, while reducing bank erosion during spring runoff.
A parallel goal aims to increase educational and recreational opportunities on the Preserve. Local students will assist with monitoring the project through hands-on scientific inquiry investigation to learn about the importance of fish, wildlife, and habitat conservation.
Over six days in July 2023, the project was executed by Confluence Consulting, Stream Works, the Big Sky Resort saw crew, and volunteers from the Madison River Foundation and Jack Creek Preserve Foundation. Work included strategically placing large woody debris to improve pool habitat at six locations and the construction of three beaver dam analogs. These structures built from evergreen tree trunks, bows, and slash materials, mimic the benefits of natural beaver dams. Overall, the project improves fish habitat, floodplain connectivity, and riparian zones along a quarter mile of Jack Creek. To learn more about Jack Creek Preserve Foundation visit: www.jackcreekpreserve.org.