Scholarship Award
MRF Education Initiative
The Madison River Foundation is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation. The Articles of Incorporation stated its’ purposes as charitable, scientific, and educational. The Board of Directors decided that we would partly satisfy the educational component by awarding college scholarships to graduating seniors at Ennis High School, West Yellowstone High School, Bozeman High School and Gallatin High School. The seniors planning to major in an area related to helping protect, enhance and conserve rivers and their watershed’s will be encouraged to apply.
The Executive Director and Conservation Programs Manager will work with the schools to publicize an application process and evaluate candidates to award the scholarships. The MRF will award 6 scholarships, 2 in each city/town, totaling as much as $12,000 by the end of each school year.
To help support this initiative please donate to the organization and indicate that your contribution is for our Education restricted fund.
Scholarship Awards
The Madison River Foundation would like to announce the availability of scholarships for graduating students from the Ennis, West Yellowstone, Bozeman and Gallatin school districts. There are eight $1500 scholarships available, two each for Ennis, West Yellowstone, Bozeman and Gallatin High Schools.
The recipients of the scholarships will be college bound students majoring in subjects pertinent to the mission of MRF which would include fisheries, forestry, aquatic ecology, hydrology, biology and other related subjects. The MRF scholarship committee will select the recipients based on proposed field of study, academics, community involvement, and financial need.
The scholarship funds will be used solely for tuition and books and will be administered by the college chosen by the recipient. Applications are available on this website starting January 1 each year and must be returned to MRF by April 15 each year.
For more information please contact the Madison River Foundation: Scholarships@MadisonRiverFoundation.org.