2022 Watershed Speaker Series

The MRF hosted a series of speakers on various topics affecting the Madison Watershed. The presentations occurred on the last Tuesday of the month at 5pm at the Madison Valley Public Library. Recorded presentations are also available.

May 31, Jeff Laszlo, Granger Ranches LP, O’Dell Creek restoration

June 28, Karin Boyd, Applied Geomorphology, and Remy Georgeton, Pioneer Technical Services, Sediment Mobility and Spawning Gravel Availability on the Madison River

July 26, Ryan Kreiner, MT FWP Fisheries Biologist, Grayling and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Conservation in Southwest Montana

Aug 30, Dr. Adam Sigler, MSU Water Quality Specialist

September 27, Panel Discussion, The State of the Madison Watershed

In the inaugural event of our Watershed Speaker Series, Jeff Laszlo presents about the restoration of O'Dell Creek and answers questions from the community regarding the challenges and benefits of the project.

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Karin Boyd and Remy Georgeton discuss geomorphology, sediment mobility and spawning gravel availability on the Madison River, and illustrate how the presence of boulders can change the physical features of rivers and streams.